


Set Qty    

Core     Dia


Rubb Length


Form Roller A            1 48.6 71 734 782
Form Roller B 1 45 68 734 826
Form Roller C 1 38.1 62 734 782
Form Roller D 1 54 75 734 826
Ductor E 1 38.1 60 734 800
Distributor F 1 38.1 60 734 800
Distributor G 2 45 65 734 826
Distributor H 1 60 80 734 764
Distributor I 1 60.5 82 734 826

Komorimatic continuous   dampening system      

Water Form (Long) V 53 79 738 872
Water Meter W 1 47 73 796 882

Speciality rollers      

Form Hickey Roller A 1 48.6 71 734 782
Water Form (Short) V 1   79 738 826

Optional rollers      

Cocking Form Roller B 1   68 734 782
Cocking Form Roller D 1   75 734 782


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